The musings of a Bondservant of Jesus Christ

Welcome to my blog! This is a new experience for me and honestly I have no idea where this is headed. Prepare yourself. You are about to dive into the general (and mostly random) thoughts that run through the mind of this Bondservant of Jesus Christ...

Friday, June 25, 2010

What are we waiting for?


It amazes me that people will stand in line for hours just to get a new iphone. They will stand in line and camp out for days when a new Chick-Fil-A opens up (nothing but love for you CFA!!!). I remember guys at Liberty who would sneak out after curfew just to get a new video game, and then play it until 5AM (GUILTY). That's called devotion. Those people are willing to do whatever it takes and wait as long as necessary to get something that makes them happy. To get something that "satisfies" a desire.

Why aren't we lining up to take the gospel to the nations??? Why aren't we willing to do whatever it takes and wait in line as long as necessary to sign up to get on a plane so that we can take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world? Why aren't we dropping everything around us to take the truth to the unreached? Jesus Christ is the only thing that can satisfy that desire, that need, that hole in our lives, and we are content with just sitting in the comfort of the "American Dream."

I've noticed this a lot now that I'm nearly done with David Platt's book "Radical." You NEED to pick it up. It's a convicting slap in the face. One of the most brutal things that stuck out to me is this: God loves the world. (Duh.) BUT when we say that we have a heart for America and that we are comfortable just supporting missionaries to other nations, just as long as we aren't the ones going. When we admit this, we are admitting to 5% of God's heart...and we are proud of it. SHAME. ON. US.

Now, I'm not bashing the iphone. Heck, if I was blessed with one, I'd use it until it fell apart. I'm not bashing Chick-Fil-A. I love that place! They are a great company with amazing principles that they live by and they are a great example of how Christianity and the corporate world can be "unstoppable." I'm not bashing video games. Sometimes you need to relax and take out some bad guys. I'm just pointing out that our priorities are majorly screwed up. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty of it myself. Whether it's taking the focus off of God and putting it on myself, my desires, my relationships, or my own will. I make mistakes. I sin. The good news is that I've heard the good news. What about the others? What about those in jungles and villages and deserts?

Where do we sign up? Where do we wait in line for hours on end? That's where I want to be...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Leaving for camp!

Hey everyone!
I'll be gone for the next two weeks at summer camp. Please pray. I'll update after I get back.

This week: High School in Cocoa Beach

Next week: Middle School in Cocoa Beach