Ok...this title may seem a bit misleading. Actually, it's very misleading.
I haven't posted anything on here since before Christmas and that's fine because I'm pretty sure that we get the days of December 25th through January 1st off from blogging. At least that's what the blogger handbook I purchased for $61.74 said...
Either way, this year is (hopefully) going to be filled with more posts from me. The reason? I'll be looking for my first legitimate, full-time, benefits-included, paying job in three years. I'm headed towards the end of my seminary degree from Liberty University online, as well as the end of my 15-month internship here at First Baptist Woodstock. It's like the circle of life. School and internship end in May. Lord willing, a new job in June.
Therefore, I humbly invite you join me on my quest through the first half of 2011. I will not list out resolutions, but I'll do my best to keep you posted on what God is teaching me through the entire process.
With that being said...I'd like you to meet the New Kids On The Block. The NKOTB refers to my new group of high school guys that I will be mentoring with my remaining time here. It's a group of younger guys compared to my last garrison, but they are solid guys. We met for the first time last night as a group and things went extremely well. I even had a very good conversation with one of the guys after our group was finished meeting.
So here they are. I give their names so you can keep them in your prayers and recall them if I happen to use them in a story of some sort.
Jake White: Probably a bigger Tennessee fan than I am. We click. Huge potential.
Preston Coleman: Stud. Plain and simple. Everyone loves him. Huge potential.
Trenton Dorner: The clown of the group. One of the funniest guys I've met who doesn't have a driver's license...yet. Huge Potential.
Matt Willet: He is a beast. He was in that fateful bus, that I drove, which had to travel 9 hours to Florida with no air. Solid guy. Huge Potential.
Casey Disney: Very funny and infectious laugh. Solid baseball player. Huge potential.
Calvin Hoenstine: The youngin'. The other boys are all sophomores, Calvin's a freshman. Crazy kid. Smart kid. Huge potential.
That's it. Those are the newbies. Keep them in your prayers.
Until we meet again...