The musings of a Bondservant of Jesus Christ

Welcome to my blog! This is a new experience for me and honestly I have no idea where this is headed. Prepare yourself. You are about to dive into the general (and mostly random) thoughts that run through the mind of this Bondservant of Jesus Christ...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Season 1. Episode 1. "The Pilot"

Well, to the three of you that have randomly come across this brand new blog, I welcome you with open arms. My name is Aaron Crawford and I have decided to start a blog that will track the random thoughts that venture through my head day after day. You probably have a few questions already, so allow me to read your mind and answer them for you:

What is a "Bondservant" and why is it in your blog's title?
A "bondservant" is a term that has intrigued me for quite a while. The term comes from the ancient Greek word "doulos" and it basically is a term to describe someone who is "devoted to another to the disregard of one's own interests." (Thank you BlueLetterBible). The apostle Paul (though not the only one to do so) uses this term frequently at the beginning of letters that he would write to various churches back in the day. This is most notably seen in Romans 1, Galatians 1, and Philippians 1. Ultimately, Paul is making it abundantly clear to anyone and everyone who he is identified with. He is identifying himself with the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. The definition that was mentioned earlier even states that a bondservant is so devoted to someone (as in Paul's case, Jesus) that they don't even think about themselves. Paul even says in Philippians 1:21, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Paul was basically saying that as long as he drew breath, people were going to hear about this Savior who radically changed his life and that because he was so dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, that even if he died or was killed for this message, he would still come out on top because he knew that his death would lead to eternal life with the one he was devoted to. Ultimately, this is my desire (though I don't live it out as passionately as I should). I want people to know where my allegiance lies. I want people to know that I'm a bondservant. That I give up all my rights, I die to myself, and I live whole-heartedly and completely for my King, my Abba Father. That is why "bondservant" is in the title of my blog.

Why start a blog?
There are a few people out there who are reading this and have the indescribably pleasure of knowing me personally (I promise I'm humble). They also know that I am currently enrolled in Seminary with Liberty University's online program. This should bring a question to your mind. "Aaron," you may say, "why would you start a blog? Don't you write enough in Seminary as it is? Do you really think people will read this?" The answer is relatively simiple. I've discovered over the past year that I actually enjoy writing. Now, I am by no means an author capable of writing epic novels (shameless shout out #1: Here's looking at you Cliff Graham. See as well as his blog: but I do enjoy getting my thoughts out on "paper." Honestly, throughout college and so far in seminary, I get much better grades on my papers and presentations than I ever did on tests. Plus, there are no format rules that I must follow in order to get a good grade. So:
This format right here
is an acceptable
to write on a blog without getting docked
FREEEEEEEEDOM!!!!! (That's my obligatory "man movie" reference)
Also, I'm currently in the middle of a youth ministry internship in Woodstock, Georgia and the youth pastor that I'm serving with this year has encouraged me to start one, even if the sole purpose is to just practice writing. This is not a mandatory part of my internship but it is something that Matt (shameless shout out #2: you should check out Matt Lawson's blog here: has encouraged me to do. So this is me expanding my horizon. I'm stepping out into the great unkown. As far as people reading it...I have no clue. Hopefully this will be used as a tool for discussion, which leads me to the next question in your mushy brain:

Ok, so what is the purpose of this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to basically fill you in on whatever random thoughts have recently been filling my head. This will not be a daily blog. I don't have the time right now to update and maintain a blog each and every day. It will be more along the lines of me updating my fantasy baseball team, which means I'll do a lot in the beginning stages because I think that I'm going to win it all...and then I will settle down to posting about once or twice a week. I give you fair warning: I have NO idea what this is going to look like. Most days, I will post something serioius such as what God has been teaching me or what He is challenging me with. Other days I may comment on a movie or a TV show (if you gamble, I'd put good money on me posting a blog about the end of 24 in a few months...), sporting events (lets just say...Tennessee Volunteers. Enough said.), or why I think the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (early 90's version) was the best cartoon made...ever. Can I get a "Cow-wa-bunga"??? Who knows? I can promise you this: You may not agree with me (which is completely fine) but I'll be as truthful and as honest as I can be, especially when it comes to anything pertaining to my Risen King, Jesus Christ.
Speaking of that...Monday morning( 4:30 am ) I'm leaving with a group of leaders and about forty 9th and 10th graders for Honduras. We will be there for a week-long mission trip. We will be visiting schools and using drama and open air evangelism to reach the people of Honduras for Jesus Christ. Pleas pray for our young team as they give up their spring break to go minister to and serve those that are less fortunate than themselves. I can't wait to see what God is going to do for His glory and His kingdom next week. I promise to post something after we get back...

Ok. This is officially the end of my first post. I'm not quite sure how to end


1 comment:

  1. Crawford! Nice blog. I am looking forward to reading the musings of your brain!
