The musings of a Bondservant of Jesus Christ

Welcome to my blog! This is a new experience for me and honestly I have no idea where this is headed. Prepare yourself. You are about to dive into the general (and mostly random) thoughts that run through the mind of this Bondservant of Jesus Christ...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Braves and Burdens

As a disclaimer, I have no idea where I'm going with this blog post...but that is the beauty of this thing!

Yesterday was an interesting day for me mainly because I felt burdened almost to the point of being slightly depressed. This is really weird for me, especially following an awesome Wednesday night at Epicenter. I probably felt like that guy I saw at the Braves game last weekend. From what I could gather, sitting 3 feet away from them, this dude came to the Braves game with a girlfriend, got in a "discussion" and then left to power through a very awkward drive home (trust me) with the girl that used to be his girlfriend. He probably entered day one thinking to himself, "This is going to be a great day! Not only did my girlfriend agree to go to a sporting event with me,'s a BRAVES GAME!" Poor guy. Never saw it coming. I imagine he awoke the next morning feeling like he should stay in his sweat pants all day and eat nothing but ice cream and wonder if it was all just one big nightmare. This, in a weird way, sums up what I was feeling yesterday. "Allow me to, no...that would take too long...let me sum up." (80's movie quote...anyone???)

Wednesday night at Epicenter was awesome. I went into Wednesday prepared for the night and anxious to get it started mainly because Matt was out of town and I was basically making sure everything flowed smoothly, nobody went to the ER and the building didn't catch fire. None of that happened...all glory to God! Anyway, we had the CEO and some "top dogs" from the Lifebook (which was mentioned in an earlier post) visit us to see how we were promoting the Lifebook and to just be apart of the service with us. It was great. The worship was awesome and my good friend Dallas (AKA: "Houston" as the faithful readers will recognize...) brought the word and challenged our students to take advantage of the Lifebook and just get out and share the love of Christ with their peers at school. After Epicenter I got to meet with my studly group of guys for discipleship...after I accidentally abandoned one of them in the church parking lot. Seriously, between leaving kids at church and my Honduras stories that the kids refuse to let me live down, I HAVE to be in the running for worst intern ever...haha. The night was just plain awesome. We got to study Hebrews chapter 1 together and dive into the deity of Christ, and what it meant for Him to be fully God and fully man at the same time. For those of you that are stuck on my illustration from the beginning...I haven't forgotten about you.

Thursday morning I woke up and I was just burdened for some friends of mine. I couldn't even figure out why I felt this way after an awesome night. I woke up thinking, "Last night was awesome but today I just feel so heavy that I don't want to move. I just want to sit around all day because I feel so depressed." I hopped on Facebook which is what I normally do right before I head out the door for work. The reason I was so burdened for some friends of mine, and one specifically, was because their facebook status was the first thing I saw on my news feed. This friend of mine, which I have known for probably 18 years or so, has views that are completely opposite of mine in just about every category. I immediately felt burdened for him because I know he is lost and I couldn't help but hear Dallas' words from the night before ringing in my ears. I couldn't help but think, "Man, he's made such bad decisions since going to college. What if I had kept in touch with him through high school? What if I had spent more time with him growing up? Could I have made a difference?" Now, honestly, I haven't talked to this guy since high school and that was 5 years ago. So part of me feels regret and even a little sense of responsibility for not making the most of my time with him. This got me thinking, how many other "friends" do I have on facebook that are in the exact same spot. How many people do I know by name that I have come in contact with, and have not heard the name of Jesus from me? It's straight up terrifying. I've been looking through my list of friends and I see things like "Atheist" and "Faith through evolution" as religious views, I see quotes and activities including things that I don't do, I see lobbying for gay rights and abortions...and I'm burdened. Don't take this the wrong way. I'm NOT condemning them. I didn't send these people a message or post on their wall about how awful they are, or how they are living in sin. No, I literally felt BURDENED for these souls that I claim to be friends with. People I worked with, people I would see at the mall or at sporting events. People I had the chance to share Jesus with. My responsibility.

Now I'm not throwing a pity party for myself or stating how terrible a Christian I am. I am just being real. I had the chance, sometimes many chances, to share Christ. But I didn't. That is on me and nobody else. This is why I have such a passion for student ministry. I see the mistakes I made. I see the opportunities I let slip by and I don't want to see the students of today and tomorrow make those same mistakes. That's why I'm pumped about this Lifebook that is going to be in the hands of every single student in Cherokee county next week. That is why I carry a few extra copies in my car now. That is why I never want to miss another opportunity to share what Christ has done in my life. That is why I'm asking God to give me a chance to talk to some of these friends...even though we haven't talked in 5 years. I'm burdened. I'm burdened and I pray that burden for the lost never fades away. I'm willing to live with it. Are you?

1 Corinthians 15:58 - "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves FULLY to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor is not in vain."

1 comment:

  1. Another great post! I love seeing how the Lord is molding and shaping you into the man He wants you to be.
