The musings of a Bondservant of Jesus Christ

Welcome to my blog! This is a new experience for me and honestly I have no idea where this is headed. Prepare yourself. You are about to dive into the general (and mostly random) thoughts that run through the mind of this Bondservant of Jesus Christ...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Look who's back...back again's been a while hasn't it? Missed me? Didn't think so.

This post is really just a post to fill you in on my life over this past month. Things have gotten so crazy here and I deeply apologize to my loyal 7 followers for not keeping up with this more closely. I will try harder from now on.

This month has been crazier than the last four episodes of 24 and LOST combined! (Also, as mentioned in my first ever post...expect a blog post on the end of 24 next week. I don't think I'm emotionally prepared...) At the very beginning of May, our administrative assistant, Kim, left with her husband to move down to Florida. He got a job working at Disney World and from what I remember, he basically buys the parts for all the mechanical stuff in the parks. That's a big job. So, since that time, Matt, Jamie and myself have split the job of answering phones, collecting camp money, answering phones, talking to parents, answering phones and trying to maintain our sanity while completing our daily work load and answering phones.

A few weeks ago we had our Senior Night/Banquet at the church. It was cool getting to see these seniors graduate as they prepare for the next step. We are also in full swing as we prepare for Summer Camp 2010 in Cocoa Beach. A few of our adult volunteers are basically planning out the entire week for us which is a huge relief for Matt and myself. These leaders deserve an extra crown in heaven. I found out yesterday that I'm on the GOLD TEAM at camp. I know for a fact that I own one yellow shirt (which I'm going to claim as gold from here on out...) which presents me a problem. Why couldn't I have been on the Orange team you ask? That's a great question. I would have rocked that team! Seniority over interns is what I was told :)

My Bible study/discipleship time is going great! I have about six or seven guys who regularly show up to dive into the book of Hebrews every Wednesday night after church. We have been meeting for 5 weeks now and I can see how these guys are desiring to grow in their walks with the Lord. It's very encouraging to me. I even told them this past week that I expect them to eventually start their own discipleship groups after our time is finished. We were talking about the last few verses in Hebrews 5 where the author talks about how the people are still feeding off of milk when instead they should be chewing on some meat and teaching those around them what they know. I challenged my guys to start praying about how they were going to do this. A few of my guys are actually going to be middle school sunday school teachers in the fall which is a great step. I encouraged them to take what they know, continue studying and growing and then turn around and pour into someone younger than themselves. I'm excited to see where God is going to lead them.

Last week was an interesting week, in a good way. Basically the highlights include me electrocuting myself and and my family coming to visit me. I had been asked to help Matt do somethings in his apartment that he is trying to sell. One of those tasks was putting brand new smoke detectors into the ceiling. Now, for the record, I've never done this before. Basically, I got my fingers caught between a few wires as 38,947,000 volts of electricity fired through my entire body. Ok, I'm not sure how many volts it was but I guarantee that I'm low-balling that guess. As I tried to maintain my balance on top of an 8-foot tall ladder while yelling some sort of noise that was meant to be the word "ouch" but rather, came out to be "oouaweeepdsfih", I realized something...My hand was in a lot of pain. For the next few minutes, my hand wouldn't stop shaking and when it finally did, I decided to test myself and see if I had gained any super powers like super-speed (Flash anyone?). Much to my dismay, I'm still just a regular civilian.

My family came and visited me which was a breath of fresh air in my life. They got to meet and eat dinner with the family I am living with here in Georgia, as well as go shopping in Atlanta and attending a Braves baseball game. They got to visit FBCW on Sunday before heading home. This has been a crazy month, but again, I promise to try to stay more up to date with this blog.

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