The musings of a Bondservant of Jesus Christ

Welcome to my blog! This is a new experience for me and honestly I have no idea where this is headed. Prepare yourself. You are about to dive into the general (and mostly random) thoughts that run through the mind of this Bondservant of Jesus Christ...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just another example of God's faithfulness

Ok. So I realized that I promised to post something new on my blog every week...the week before I left for vacation. That is my excuse for being absent last week. Judge me all you want.

A lot has been happening in my life recently. As I just mentioned, I got a chance to go back to Lynchburg last week for a little R&R. It was a very busy week full of seeing close friends, mentors, family members, and water park rides. I've always thanked God for blessing me with awesome friends and family but I never realized how much I under-valued them until this week. You don't fully grasp how much people mean to you until you go 6 months without seeing them and then you are forced to see them all in a span of 5 days. It's tough. I wanted to see so many people, but I knew I had to choose who I got to see in those few short days. During that crazy week, I realized how much God has blessed me with in the area of relationships. Yes, I got to spend more time with certain people, but I was truly blown away with the faithfullness of my friends. I'm not downplaying the importance of other people in my life, I'm just pointing out that seeing and spending time with the people that love and care about me was a breath of fresh air in my (honestly) weary life. It was just what I needed, and God knew it. Just another example of God's faithfulness.

For those of you that have been following my blog/life recently, you know that I've been looking for a car. Well, the day has arrived. Sorta. My dad thinks he has a car lined up for me as long as all the paperwork and transfer with the DMV goes well. This is a HUGE praise. Hopefully within the next few weeks, I will be driving a car that should last me a good while. This is just another example of God's faithfulness.

Things at the church are crazy! After some downtime post-camp, things have kicked back up as public schools started back today. This is going to be a hectic week as we prepare for some changes. This upcoming weekend is our Promotion Sunday where we bump everyone up a grade, introduce new teachers, welcome the new freshman, and basically pull our hair out as we try to place around 500 kids in the right classes. On top of that, we are attempting to feed breakfast to about 400 students this week at various local schools. We are in the process of teaming up with some local Chick-Fil-A's, McDonalds, and Publix to offer breakfast this Thursday and Friday to local high school students as they finish their first week back at school. It's going to be awesome!
Sticking with the internship update, I'm very excited to announce that I have been offered an extension on my current internship. I had a meeting with Matt about 2 weeks ago where he asked me to continue my internship and stay an extra 6 months. Now, instead of ending in December, I will conclude my internship at the end of June 2011. I've prayed about it and talked with my parents about it, and we feel like this is what God wants me to do. When my internship ends, I will have my Master's Degree finished (May) and a more complete resume as I look for a full-time job in Student Ministries. Just another example of God's faithfulness.

So basically to sum it up. My life is crazy. I have no idea where I'm going to end up. But God was, is and will continue to be FAITHFUL. I'm just going to rest in that fact now...

"He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler." - Psalm 91:4

"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him." - Lamentations 3:21-24

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